At CRC we desire to be not only a church that serves the Upper Valley, but also the world. In the short history of CRC, we have sent out numerous individuals to do a variety of long and short term projects. Through our connections with Converge Worldwide Missions and other agencies, we have a network of missions and relief opportunities that stretch around the globe. In addition to sending people, we are also committed to financially supporting missions and charities as well. In fact, we have recently averaged giving away 20% of our general offerings to support other charities and ministries, and we aim to increase the percentage that we give away every year.
CRC supports a number of missionaries and missions organizations at the local, regional, national and international level.
The International Interns & Fellows Program is a 3 to 6 month full immersion, church-based ministry residency opportunity at Christ Redeemer Church. “Intern” is the designation given to those that are just beginning their ministry career, while “fellows” is the title given to our more seasoned participants. The purpose of the program is to help develop gospel-driven shepherds who are adept at leading God’s people in the mission of Christ’s church in a post-Christian context.
The Missions ministry at CRC is about seeing the gospel of Jesus Christ faithfully proclaimed and received for the establishment and building up of local bodies of believers (churches) throughout the world. Our missions giving is directed by a Missions Committee under the oversight of the church elders. The Missions Committee includes Marsha Davidson, Adele Fulton, Matt Lewis, Dave Smith, and Doug Tengdin.
If you are interested in learning more about missions, check out the "Ministry & Mission" category on the
recommended reading page.