9:00-9:50 am
Classes will be offered for children, youth and adults on most Sundays during the school year.
Winter/Spring Sunday School
January 5th to May 18th (off 2/16, 3/9, 4/13, 4/20)
Winter/Spring Sunday School
January 5th to May 18th (off 2/16, 3/9, 4/13, 4/20)
Adult Sunday School
Joshua: The Servant of God
Taught by Noah Crane and Lindsay Whaley
Joshua describes the movement of the Israelites into the land promised to them by God. The book is best known for a series of unusual miracles: the drying up of the Jordan River, the walls of Jericho tumbling down; hailstones defeating enemy kings; and the sun standing still. But the more significant aspects of the book are the depiction of a faithful servant of God and hints as to the person of Jesus. In this class, we will work through the book of Joshua with an eye towards better understanding such lessons.
Taught by Noah Crane and Lindsay Whaley
Joshua describes the movement of the Israelites into the land promised to them by God. The book is best known for a series of unusual miracles: the drying up of the Jordan River, the walls of Jericho tumbling down; hailstones defeating enemy kings; and the sun standing still. But the more significant aspects of the book are the depiction of a faithful servant of God and hints as to the person of Jesus. In this class, we will work through the book of Joshua with an eye towards better understanding such lessons.
Youth Sunday School
High School - 1st & 2nd Samuel
Middle School - Basic Theology
Middle School - Basic Theology
Children's Sunday School
4th & 5th Grade - Jesus' Ministry
1st to 3rd Grade - The Gospels & Acts
Pre-K to Kindergarten - New Testament Bible Stories
Questions? Contact the church office.
1st to 3rd Grade - The Gospels & Acts
Pre-K to Kindergarten - New Testament Bible Stories
Questions? Contact the church office.