Summer Celebration Camp 2017

PROOF Pirates: Finding the Treasure of God’s Amazing Grace!

Summer Celebration Camp was held Tuesday, July 18 through Friday July 21 at the Wellspring Worship Center, just south of Hanover. The theme this year was “PROOF Pirates: Finding the Treasure of God’s Amazing Grace!” One hundred and thirty children from pre-kindergarten to 5th grade participated in the week’s events. Over forty adults, Dartmouth students, and teen helpers, taught classes, served snacks, organized recreation activities, assisted with crafts, and shared God’s love for us with the children. You can hear a short testimony about SCC here.

Each day began and ended with a group program including skits and singing. Our theme, “PROOF Pirates” taught about how we can find God’s Planned, Resurrecting, Outrageous, Overcoming, Forever grace! The children enjoyed making crafts that expressed the lesson for that day, and games were played both inside and outside.

Friday’s closing program ended with a slideshow of scenes from the week, followed by snacks outside. You can view some of the photos from the week below as well as the slideshow presentation. A big thank you to everyone who made SCC such a wonderful and memorable week! To hear a reflection on the week from one of our volunteers, click here.




