Service Trip 2018

This February, CRC went on a service trip to the NETS (New England Training and Sending) Center in Williston, Vermont. We took a team of 27 people (11 adults and 16 youth) for a 3 day trip in order to help NETS renovate their campus. Our projects ranged from demolition to painting to moving to completing inventory to framing, and more. CRC was the first church to be planted out of the NETS Center. It was good to be able to give back to an organization that has done so much for CRC.

Not only did we do manual labor, we also took time during the evening to talk about the gospel as it relates to the issue of belonging. We did so through a series of three talks led by Pastor Don and Abrm McQuarters. The three areas we covered were belonging to God, His people, and His mission from Philippians. It was great to see our own team refreshed by our talk times after a long day of work. Moreover, it was great to see the number of kids engaging with the gospel.

In between work and learning we did a bit of playing too. The youth and adults played a “youth vs. wisdom” basketball game, with wisdom winning the day (as usual).




